Monday, November 16, 2009

Why is Microsoft worried that many have dismissed it's security flaw ladened browser for independent ones?

If you'll notice the style of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, you can't also help notice that it's an imitation of Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser. Why does Microsoft care what browser people use?

Internet Explorer 6 and 7 are bundled into the interface of Microsoft Windows' operating system (some claim it was an anti-competitive act that Microsoft spent many days in court for), so whether we want to or not, eventually we have to use Microsoft's Internet browser, simply because it's convenience can't be defeated.

Why is Microsoft worried that many have dismissed it's security flaw ladened browser for independent ones?
How convenient are proprietary formats that keep you locked into a particular vendor who charges you through the nose for the latest "upgrade"?

"Why does Microsoft care what browser people use?" - Because they want all the web sites to be written to the Microsoft "standard", using the web development tools thay give away for free that don't conform to W3C standards, so that only IE can view those sites.

And Microsoft knows that the majority of people are lazy, they'll use whatever they're given - Any colour so long as it's black.
Reply:Why ?

Ego, pure and simple----talk of being laden with something try THAT in association with Microsoft---- EGO

The concerns over the browser thing when they are at the top of the heap and unavoidable in Windows as it stands-------Is a little like stepping up to an extremely popular individual at some function and asking them ----- "what made you pick THAT tie ??"

It will drive them CRAZY--- because their ego can't handle being questioned !! I did this once just as a test of sorts and the person actually called me later that night to ask me for fashion advice !! When you're on top you have too much to loose and these people are (in a lot of cases) So out of touch with the common folk-- that they are in a scramble to find themselves in the fray !!! EGO !!!

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