Monday, April 12, 2010

Microsoft Word set up page?


If any one can help me: with Microsoft Word set up

When I open Microsoft Word the default set up for the page is different from what I did before all what I need as a DEFAULT is

My Align start from Right not from the Left, I wana it from the left, so always I must change it from the right to the left. Also the page set up:

I did it margins: left 4cm.but I must do this with every page I opened 

The last thing about the Paragraph I wana it from the left to the right and 1.5 line spacing

I need all this things as a Default with the entire page which I will open it every time. Who can help me to do these things as default with my Microsoft Word?

I will waiting your advice and really appreciate your help

Thank You


Microsoft Word set up page?
Everything is stored in the file named

On the File menu, click Open, and then navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates.

If no templates are listed in the Open dialog box, click the arrow next to the Files of type box, and then click Document Templates.

Double-click the file to open it. To be certain that you're working in the default template, check to see that appears in the Word title bar.

Make all the changes you want just as you mentioned, but remember that any changes you make to will be applied to all documents that you create in the future.

When you have finished, on the Standard toolbar, click Save.

Close the document.

That's it.

Note If is renamed, damaged, or moved, Word automatically creates a new version (which uses the original default settings) the next time that you start Word. The new version will not include any customizations you made to the version that you renamed or moved.

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